Friday, February 16
Time | HS Planning Track (Fit For Life Room) |
Character Track (NB Room) |
Curriculum Track (Kid City Theater) |
9:00 a.m. |
Homeschool High School 101 (Get started homeschooling) - Anne Gebhart, HEART of Texas |
More than Math - A Way of Thinking - David Quine, Cornerstone Curriculum |
10:00 a.m. |
Build an Amazing Transcript - Jean Burke, College Prep Genius |
Raising Leaders: What Does America Need? - Ben Quine, Christians Engaged |
Reading Between the Lines (Literature) - David & Shirley Quine, Cornerstone Curriculum |
11:00 a.m. |
College Prep Tips from a Homeschool Graduate - Natalie Williams, University of Dallas |
Government Involvement - Bunni Pounds, Christians Engaged | |
1:30 p.m. | LOBBY/EXHIBIT HALL: Keynote: Nick Ellis, President Christian Halls Rewriting the Story of Higher Education for the Christian Family | ||
2:30 p.m. | High School: The Final Lap (5 Key Elements) - David Quine, Cornerstone Curriculum | Civic Engagement for Teens & Their Families, Bunni Pounds, Christians Engaged | |
3:30 p.m. | How to Ace any Standardized Test - Jean Burke, College Prep Genius | Lobby: Government Involvement - Bunni Pounds, Christians Engaged | Creating a High School Plan with your Student’s Aptitudes and Interests in Mind - Shari Nelson, CCC Toolbox |
Saturday, February 17
Time | HS Planning Track (Fit For Life Room) |
Character Track (NB Room) |
Curriculum Track (Kid City Theater) |
9:00 a.m. |
Free College at Your Fingertips Jean Burk, College Prep Genius |
Can you REALLY Home School High School ... and SHOULD YOU? - Anne & Dave Gebhart, HEART of Texas |
Economics & Justice: Worldviews in Conflict - Ben Quine, Christians Engaged |
10:00 a.m. |
College Prep Tips from a Homeschool Graduate - Natalie Williams, University of Dallas |
High School: The Final Lap (5 Key Elements) - David Quine, Cornerstone Curriculum | |
11:00 a.m. |
Building the High School Transcript & Resume - Shari Nelson, CCC Toolbox |
Civic Engagement for Teens & Their Families, Bunni Pounds, Christians Engaged | |
1:00 p.m. | LOBBY/EXHIBIT HALL: Coffe, Tea, and Cookie Fellowship in the Lobby | 1:15 p.m. | LOBBY/EXHIBIT HALL: Invocation by Pastor Larry Huch |
1:30 p.m. | LOBBY/EXHIBIT HALL: Keynote Speaker - Mike Snyder, Hometown Hero and former Channel 5 news anchor | ||
2:30 p.m. | LOBBY/EXHIBIT HALL: High School Panel: You Can Thank Us Later - It’s Not Too Hard To Homeschool High School |
Session Descriptions
Homeschool High School 101 (Get started homeschooling) - Anne Gebhart, HEART of Texas
The How, What, Why, & How of Getting Started Homeschooling
What’s Happening to Our Teens? - Mike & Cheryl Kolesar, Frictionless Families
Children today are facing unprecedented threats, challenges, and temptations. While there is overlap in many of the challenges, the way girls and boys are impacted is often very different. This talk looks at factors like trends in education, technology, environmental toxins, peer pressure, apathy, and hyper-sexualization. We then go into helpful resources for parents and help with guidelines, implementation strategies, and how to avoid environmental toxins that are impacting all of us.
More Than Math — A Way of Thinking - David Quine, Cornerstone Curriculum
For most of us, math was simply something we had to endure. We were told the principle, given examples, and then told to do all the even or odd problems on the page. It was drill and practice with little or no meaning and no thinking. Isn’t there a better way? David will share a different model of learning that will engage your children in a new way of thinking.
Build an Amazing High School Transcript - Jean Burk, College Prep Genius
There is only ONE secret ingredient to giving credibility to a homeschool transcript. If you don’t know author Jean Burk will share the answer in this incredible lecture. Discover the insider criteria that Harvard uses to judge applicants and why summer break needs to be more than just a vacation. Learn the differences between AP, Dual Enrollment, and CLEP courses and the pros and cons of adding them to your schedule. Find out about the 3-Tier credit plan, so you can correctly build a portfolio that will impress any admissions counselor. If your kids are college-bound, you cannot afford to miss this engagement.
Raising Leaders: What Does America Need? - Ben Quine, Christians Engaged
“When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” (Proverbs 29:2) We are facing a leadership crisis in America and around the globe — how do we love our neighbors through leadership? How do we raise godly leaders to champion the spread of the Gospel today? How can you and your children make an impact for the well-being of our nation? Join us as we dig into the Bible to find the answers to these vital questions.
Can You REALLY Home School Through High School . . . and even if you CAN, SHOULD You? - Anne & Dave Gebhart
Dave and Anne Gebhart, home school parents of six, will share their stories and encouragement to give you the confidence you need to take on the challenge and the delight of home schooling your children all the way through high school.
Rewriting the Story of Higher Education for the Christian Family - Nick Ellis, President Christian Halls
Who gets to decide the purpose and means of higher education? Is it university administrators? The State? Education psychologists like B.F. Skinner and B.S. Bloom? This workshop will argue that education, when properly and biblically understood as forming humans in wisdom and virtue, is best situated within and governed by local, multi-generational Christian communities. This responsibility does not end at 12th grade. The time has come to take back governance and stewardship of the education of our children. Come learn how.
High School: The Final Lap (5 Key Elements) - David Quine, Cornerstone Curriculum
n the Book of Hebrews, we are challenged to “run with endurance the race that is set before us...” Running a race is difficult. In many ways, homeschooling is like a race in which we pass the baton of Truth to the next generation. High school is the final lap. Be encouraged as David and Shirley share insight from the Word of God on how to finish strong!
How to Ace Any Standardized Test - Jean Burk, College Prep Genius
Life is like test prep, knowing the right skill set can make all the difference in overcoming mistakes and attaining success. Testing is and will always be a part of life: for college entrance, scholarships, post-grad school, job applications, certifications, etc. Standardized tests level the playing field for all applicants, especially homeschoolers. Discover how to increase your odds for college acceptance and money by 250%. Learn how tests like the SAT, ACT, and CLT are learnable and can open doors to amazing money—even full rides!
Dangerous By Design: Why Big Tech Loves Our Teens — How technology and screens are changing your brain and why you’re powerless to stop it. - Mike & Cheryl Kolesar, Frictionless Families
This talk has three sections. The first section discusses the ways big tech uses neuroscience, biology, and psychology to make games, apps, and social media physically and psychologically addictive. The second section gets into how our screens are changing us in terms of worldview, confirmation bias, friendships, concentration, and critical thinking. The last part is what parents can do to protect themselves and their children physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Creating a High School Plan with Your Student’s Aptitudes and Interests in Mind - Shari Nelson, CCC Toolbox
In this workshop, you will learn how to find and use resources to determine the unique aptitudes and interests of your student which in turn equips you to create a customized plan. The topics covered are recommendations for graduation, core coursework, electives options, community service, and extra-curricular activities.
Economics & Justice: Worldviews in Conflict - Ben Quine, Christians Engaged
“What is truth?” Since the Garden of Eden, there has been an acute spiritual war raging over the answer to this question. How can we discern truth from falsehood in America today? What does it mean to champion Biblical Justice and Biblical Economics in the United States? And how do we protect and equip our children to endure the battle over truth? Join us as we delve into the worldviews in conflict in the 21st Century, and learn how to “take every thought captive to Christ” on the home front.
Building the High School Transcript & Resume - Shari Nelson, CCC Toolbox
In this workshop, you will learn the vital elements of a professional transcript and resume. The topics covered will be how to keep accurate records, stay organized, and the core coursework, electives, community service and extra-curricular activities that make the transcript and resume shine.
The 2 Keys to Peace at Home with Teens - Frictionless Families
This talk discusses our country's growing culture of disrespect and why parenting is getting harder. It reminds and encourages parents that parenting well is not rocket science and that a few simple principles, applied consistently can change most families in a relatively short amount of time...sometimes days. We begin by talking about their biblical call and authority as parents and we address the two biggest misconceptions of parents who have issues with discipline at home. We provide them with two baseline principles and a pattern they can use to correct children— no matter their age—that I’ve used with more than 3000 children. We then discuss well-meaning mistakes and close by encouraging them that if they can stay firm and consistent for a short while, they can see profound changes in their family and experience a joy and peace they’ve never known before.
Free College at Your Fingertips - Jean Burk, College Prep Genius
Are you ready to make $500 an hour? Although it sounds too good to be true, it’s possible to earn this much in scholarships for college. Author, Jean Burk, will teach you two important concepts: how to get into the college of your choice and how to find the scholarships to pay for it. You will learn methods of receiving substantial scholarships that go beyond tuition and may include room and board, graduate school, and money to study abroad! Unlock the keys to finding free college at your fingertips!
Government Involvement - Bunni Pounds, Christians Engaged
In the Book of Hebrews, we are challenged to “run with endurance the race that is set before us...” Running a race is difficult. In many ways, homeschooling is like a race in which we pass the baton of Truth to the next generation. High school is the final lap. Be encouraged as David and Shirley share insight from the Word of God on how to finish strong!